travel photography mistakes to avoid
Many of us love to take photos while on vacation as a testament to their visiting some place new.
It would be nice if those pictures were really good especially if you are posting to social media or online. Here are a few mistakes most people make while taking photographs while traveling to keep an eye out for so that you don't make the same mistakes.
Bringing too much equipment
This is a mistake that Terry learned the hard way when we were on a cruise. He packed his tripod, monopod, DSLR, multiple lenses and filters, extra batteries, a vintage film camera and extra film, multiple SD cards, not to mention all the cords and chargers for everything. He looked like he was going to shoot for National Geographic! The kids and I had a good time making fun of him as he tried to carry a majority of these items while on excursions to Tulum in June. He didn't even use half of that equipment. So, our advice is to pack camera equipment just like you pack your clothes. Only pack what you know you need. And, then think really hard about anything extra.
Don't Underestimate your Phone Camera
beach image I took with my iPhone 8 plus
For the past few vacations, I have personally not taken my professional camera and relied on my phone for all pictures for the trip. To go along with the last tip, it just eliminates things to pack but have you seen some of the images that smartphones are able to produce now!? And, considering the editing applications that are on the phones and how most people take pictures for social media anyway, it's just easier to use your phone in some cases.
Using the Same Perspective Over and Over
beach photo capturing sea foam
Your photos will all start to look the same if you don't change up the view from time to time. One beach picture after another and you won't be able to tell what beach is which. But, use different angles or perspectives and you will recall instantly. This also gives your viewers a different view or something unexpected.
Don't Miss the Details
ladies waiting for the ferry to St. John
The most memorable things are sometimes hidden in plain sight. While most people are taking pictures of the obvious, they are also missing out on the small things. So be sure to look around and take in all the details around you.
Only taking the "Tourist" Shot
pool statue on the MSC Seaside
It's hard not to fall into this category. Most often when traveling, you visit places that are tourist destinations or locales. This is when you are to put your "creative caps" on and look for the shot that isn't touristy. No one is saying don't take advantage of the location and time, just look for the shot you CAN'T buy on a postcard.
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